January  22, 2025
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Effective July 9th, 2016

* All prices add GST

Prices & Details
Time Online
Job Posting Details of job opening with your organization. Premium Service = $250 per job
Job is one of up to five jobs listed in the Featured Jobs box the top of the homepage, where it remains for two weeks.

After two weeks, the job can remain online in our database for up to another six weeks as a regular job at no extra cost.

Regular Service = $100 per job
Job is one of 10 jobs in the Most Recent Jobs box at the bottom of the homepage.

As new regular jobs are added, your job descends down the list of jobs.

There is no guaranteed time on the homepage for a regular job - it depends on how many new jobs are added.

Eventually, your job will come off the homepage. It will then be found in the JOBS section in the specified job category (e.g. Broadcasting or Print, etc.) or via a search of the database.

Multiple Fees
If you are recruiting multiple journalists within a single posting (example, multiple freelancers or interns or reporters from a single job description), then a multiple fee applies.

For featured jobs, the multiple fee is $400 (i.e. 2 x $200).

For regular jobs, the multiple fee is $150 (i.e. 2 x $75).

A premium job will remain on the homepage for a guaranteed two weeks, and on the site up to eight weeks in total.

A regular job will remain online for one month or until your deadline, to a maximum of two months.

If you need more than a month/your deadline, you can request a free extension to a maximum of two months from the date you originally posted the job.

Banner Ad Banner and link to advertise your organization, service, event or activity.

Banner size is 468 x 60 pixels.

Banners cycle throughout the site on a 1-in-5 rotation.

$250 per banner per month

Discounts for purchases of three or more months at a time

1 month
Directory Listing Contact information and brief details of media and communications professionals looking for work. first listing = $50
each subsequent listing = an extra $25
One year, with free updates at any time.


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